How do I implement an image viewer and rotator? [closed]

There are a ton of slider plugins. Some are just jQuery plugins that would require you to create your own code for, but off the top of my head I know that Nivo and Woo both make fully-integrated slider plugins where you can control the control from within WordPress.

Both release their jQuery plugin script, free of charge and I have used them both extensively and have found them both to be easy to work with from my perspective as a developer. Because I write my own code, I haven’t needed to test their full WordPress plugins which are premium products and come with a cost. I can’t speak for the WordPress side of things, but if they’re anything like the jQuery side of things I would expect high quality. There might be free options in the WordPress repo if you search for slider plugins.

The Flexslider is responsive and is better suited to responsive designs, whereas the Nivo slider has a lot more transitions to chose from.