How do I list the_tags() into HTML data-attribute

Use json_encode():

<li class="griditemleft" data-tags="<?php
$posttags = get_the_tags();
$data = array();
foreach($posttags as $tag) {
    $data[] = $tag->name;
echo json_encode( $data );

Later, in your JavaScript, iterate over the li items and for each item use:

// get an array of tag names with jQuery's parseJSON()
var itemtags = $.parseJSON('tags') );

See jQuery parseJSON() for details.


Actually, you don’t even need parseJSON() in your case, it is much easier with simple tag names. Let’s take a simple function to build a list of the last five posts:

add_action( 'wpse_69446_post_list', 'wpse_69446_post_list' );
function wpse_69446_post_list()
    $posts  = get_posts();

    if ( ! $posts )

    foreach ( $posts as $post )
        $tags      = get_the_tags( $post->ID );
        $tag_names = array ();

        if ( $tags )
            foreach ( $tags as $tag )
                $tag_names[] = $tag->name;
            $tag_data = json_encode( $tag_names );

        $output .= sprintf(
            '<li data-tags=\'%1$s\'><a href="$s">%3$s</a></li>',
            get_permalink( $post->ID ),
            get_the_title( $post->ID )
    print "<ul class="wpse_69446_post_list">$output</ul>";

    // you have to enqueue jQuery first.
    // This is just as oversimplified demonstration.
    add_action( 'wp_footer', 'wpse_69446_js' );

Call it in your theme files with

do_action( 'wpse_69446_post_list' );

Now we need the script for the footer:

function wpse_69446_js()
jQuery( function($) {
    $('.wpse_69446_post_list li').each( function( i, item ) {
        var li = $(item).find( 'li' ); 'item li:', li );
        // an array or undefined if there are no tags 'itemtags:', $(item).data( 'tags' ) );

The itemtags are an array now or undefined (empty).

console output

Now you can iterate over that array and do something awesome. 🙂