How do you add a table to a site?

You need to add a table to a WordPress page is really bit confusing as it may many cases. It would have been easy to answer if the question could be made specific to certain situations like a pricing table/ data table etc or a responsive one.

However, you can follow these steps to add a table inside your WordPress post.
If you are using WordPress default editor:

  • Create a table in any word processor (like MS Word)
  • Copy that table by ctrl + c
  • Paste that inside your visual WordPress editor ctrl + v.

If you want to add it by WordPress text editor.
You can find some awesome free table templates by googling. You can refer to below link if you want to.

  • Refer this code and design your own table.
  • Paste your code inside the WordPress text editor.

You can also do the same thing by a page template or creating a plugin.