How does uninstalling WordPress plugins work?

As explained in my comment in the Question, the error is certainly in how the DROP TABLE is being performed. But answering to How does uninstalling WordPress plugins work?:

If we do a register_uninstall_hook in our plugin, the callback is stored in the option uninstall_plugins in /wp-includes/plugin.php.

$uninstallable_plugins[plugin_basename($file)] = $callback;
update_option('uninstall_plugins', $uninstallable_plugins);

In the PHPDoc for the function register_uninstall_hook we have this:

This file (uninstall.php) will be called, if it exists, during the uninstall process bypassing the uninstall hook.

And the bypass happens in /wp-admin/includes/plugin.php:

define('WP_UNINSTALL_PLUGIN', $file);
include WP_PLUGIN_DIR . "" . dirname($file) . '/uninstall.php';
return true;

So, whatever you have in the uninstall hook or file, it should work by its own. If it does, it will work when the uninstall happens.

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