How to change base in tag URL for custom post type, to not use “Custom Structure” set in Permalinks setting?

That /news/ part is called front base and it could also be /foo/bar/, i.e. having multiple “folders”, and if you don’t want the front base to be prepended to the permalink of posts in your post type or terms in your custom taxonomy, then set with_front in the rewrite argument to false, like so:

// Register the "directory" post type.
register_post_type( 'directory', array(
    'label'   => 'Directories',
    'public'  => true,
    'rewrite' => array(
        'slug'       => 'directory',
        // If the front base is /news/ and this is true (which is the default value),
        // then the post permalink would be<post slug>.
        // So set this to false if you don't want the /news/ in the permalink.
        'with_front' => false,
) );

// Register the "location" taxonomy.
register_taxonomy( 'location', 'directory', array(
    'label'   => 'Locations',
    'public'  => true,
    'rewrite' => array(
        'slug'       => 'directory/location',
        // If the front base is /news/ and this is true (which is the default value),
        // then the term permalink would be<term slug>.
        // So set this to false if you don't want the /news/ in the permalink.
        'with_front' => false,
) );

And then be sure to flush the rewrite rules by simply visiting the Permalink Settings page. (No need to click on the Save Changes button, unless of course if you changed something in the form on the page)