I’m not sure if this the best method, and I would like to hear some other suggestions!
This will alter the template to some pre-defined template if two or more taxonomies are being queried. You can hard-code the taxonomies to check or use get_taxonomies
* Checks to see if more than one of (certain) taxonomies are being queried
* If they are, alters the template to 'my-multitax-template.php' (if it can find it)
add_filter('template_include', 'my_multietax_template');
function my_multietax_template( $template ){
//Array of taxonomies to check
$taxes = array('story','lot-term');
//Or select ALL taxonomies (or pass $args array argument)
//Keep track of how many of the selected taxonomies we're querying
$count =0;
global $wp_query;
foreach ($taxes as $tax){
if(isset($wp_query->query_vars[$tax] ))
$count ++;
if($count > 1){
//Locate alternative template.
$alternate = locate_template('my-multitax-template.php');
$template = $alternate;
return $template;
Of course ‘my-multitax-template.php’ could in fact be the template name of one of the taxonomies, to give that taxonomy template precedence. Or add additional, more involved logic, if you a querying more than 2 taxonomies and want WordPress to load different templates according to particular cases.