how to create cron that post events daily in wordpress?

WordPress has a cron API and if you want to use it you can do it with wp_schedule_event function. This function should be called only on ativiation of the plugin and the scheduled event should be cleared on deactivation of the plugin. For example:

 register_activation_hook( __FILE__, 'cyb_activation' );
 function cyb_activation() {
     wp_schedule_event( time(), 'daily', 'cyb_daily_event_hook' );

 add_action( 'cyb_daily_event_hook', 'cyb_do_this_daily' );
 function cyb_do_this_daily() {
      // do something every day

 register_deactivation_hook( __FILE__, 'cyb_deactivation' );
 function cyb_deactivation() {
     wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'cyb_daily_event_hook' );

The function cyb_do_this_daily() will perform what you want to do every day. That is, the function you posted. In that function you are building a query to post_meta table, I think you should use a WP_Query object or get_posts() instead of a direct query. For example (not tested, just passed your query to WP_Query):

function cyb_do_this_daily(){

     // Get all sold ads
     $args = array(
         'meta_key'     = 'cp_ad_sold_date',
         'meta_value'   = '',
         'meta_compare' = '!='

     $sold_ads = new WP_Query( $args );

     while( $sold_ads->have_posts() ) {

         $ad = $sold_ads->post;
         $today = time();

         // Get day, month, year
         $date = explode('-',get_post_meta($ad->ID, 'cp_ad_sold_date', true));

         $sold_date = mktime(null, null, null, $date[1], $date[2], $date[0]);
         $date_diff = $today - $sold_date;

        // Get the days difference
        $sold_day_diff = floor($date_diff / (60*60*24));

        if ($sold_day_diff >= 5) {
             wp_update_post(array('ID' => $ad->ID, 'post_status' => 'draft'));


