How to display multiple images from the post on the homepage

The best way would be how wordpress handle Featured Image in core. They just store the attachment_id in a post meta named _thumbnail_id.

You should do the same in your case. But instead of setting featured image(for which WordPress has default functions), you need to create the attachments yourself. You can follow these steps –

  1. Insert the image for 1st thumbnail and save the attachment id in your post meta( Say first_thumbnail or any other name that doesn’t conflict with existing names like _thumbnail_id which is used by wordpress by default for storing the featured image.)

  2. The same applies for other thumbnails and company logo.

  3. Storing description is easier. Just save the text in a postmeta.

  4. Now where you want to display these postmetas(or whether you want to display at all) is totally up to.

Functions that you will need