How to expire guest users after 1.5 hours logged in?

In your single.php template file:

if (has_post()) {

    $user = wp_get_current_user();
    $hasPermission = in_array('subscriber', $user->roles);
    // or maybe instead of a role, you can check for your custom permission:
    // $hasPermission = current_user_can('view_access_codes');

    $postTime = get_post_time('U', true);
    $timeThreshold = time() - 60 * 60 * 1.5;
    $hasTimePassed = $postTime < $timeThreshold;

    if (!$hasPermission && $hasTimePassed) {
        Only registered users can view this page.
    } else {
        // print the post

or with the PHP DateTime object:

$postDate = new \DateTime(get_post_time(DATE_W3C));
$postDate->modify('+90 minutes');
$hasTimePassed = $postDate < new \DateTime();

Beware that the post still can be accessible by other means, such as the REST API or your RSS feed. For these I’d recommend using the the_content filter.