How to filter users list on user_status field with get_users()

The user_status field has long been no longer used in core, so maybe that’s why there is no argument that will filter the users by their user_status value?

However, you can use the pre_user_query hook to alter the user query’s SQL command, i.e. to add something like a AND user_status = 0 into the WHERE clause.

So for example, you can add this into your theme’s functions.php file, and then just set the user_status argument, e.g. get_users( 'user_status=0' ) (like you did in your first example):

add_action( 'pre_user_query', 'my_pre_user_query' );
function my_pre_user_query( $query ) {
    if ( isset( $query->query_vars['user_status'] ) ) {
        $query->query_where .= " AND user_status = " . (int) $query->query_vars['user_status'];

Alternatively, you could just make a custom instance of WP_User_Query, then set the WHERE condition the same way it’s set above (i.e. via direct modification on the $query_where property), like so:

$query = new WP_User_Query;

$query->prepare_query( [
    'orderby' => 'ID',
    'order'   => 'DESC',
    // don't set user_status
    'number'  => $limit,
] );

// Now modify the WHERE clause.
$query->query_where .= " AND user_status = 0";

// Then run the SQL command.

$users = $query->get_results();
var_dump( $users );