How to fix 404 on post after prepending Custom Post Type url with Custom Taxonomy Term slug

First, you don’t need to have two actions called during init, they can both be done under the same action function — so move the register CPT and taxonomy to a single function (or call separate functions from the main one) — no need to have two init actions.

You should also be registering the taxonomy before the CPT (if you don’t want to change your code just call taxonomy action at lower priority than CPT register), otherwise put your taxonomy registration code above the CPT registration code.

"rewrite" => array( "slug" => "/%club_type%/", "with_front" => false )

Can also just be this without the slashes:

"rewrite" => array( "slug" => "%club_type%", "with_front" => false ),

Although I recommend that you add some kind of identifier in your slug, like listing/%club_type% otherwise WordPress will try to use that as a query for specific page.

Check these as well:

Permalinks: custom post type -> custom taxonomy -> post

Mixing custom post type and taxonomy rewrite structures?

You could also look at different plugins available that could do this:

I suspect your issue is probably because you’re not using any kind of identifier before your taxonomy, and as such it’s attempting to find it as a post name — not as a taxonomy slug