Using the FPDF library (found at you generate PDFs on the fly using any data from your WP site.
function wpse60844_generate_pdf( $post ) {
/* Define paths for where the PDF will be permanently or temporarily saved */
define( 'FPDF_PATH', plugin_dir_path( __DIR__ ) . '/fpdf/' );
define( 'SAVE_PATH', plugin_dir_path( __DIR__ ) . 'fpdf/pdfs/' );
$pdf_dir = plugin_dir_path( __DIR__ ) . 'fpdf/pdfs/';
/* If the directory doesn't already exist, generate it */
if( !file_exists ( $pdf_dir ) ) :
wp_mkdir_p( $pdf_dir );
/* Bring in the FPDF files so this all works */
require( FPDF_PATH .'fpdf.php' );
require( FPDF_PATH .'writeHTML.php' );
/* Start retrieving your data from the WP DB, whether it's post_meta or some other data, no difference, just get your data into variables */
$yourdata = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'meta_key', true );
$moredata = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'meta_key', true );
/* Now you begin to generate the HTML that will be converted to a PDF
* Careful as some standard HTML won't work, like `<strong>` or `<em>`, use `<b>` or `<i>` */
$html="<b>Some Label: " . $yourdata . '</b><br><br>';
$html .= '<b>Some other Label: ' . $moredata . ' </b><br>';
/* Keep going until you have all the content and layout you need */
/* generating the PDF itself */
$pdf = new hFPDF( 'P', 'mm', 'A4' );
$pdf->SetFont( 'Arial', '', 12 );
/* this is where the actual HTML you built above gets added as PDF. */
$pdf->WriteHTML( utf8_decode( $html ) );
$pdf->Output( SAVE_PATH . 'whatever-your-filename-is.pdf', 'F' );
global $pdf_filename;
$pdf_filename = SAVE_PATH . 'whatever-your-filename-is.pdf';
/* Next you either have to write a function to mail this to your self using `wp_mail()`
* Or send over the download path via AJAX and then download the PDF
* To keep things clean you should also probably delet the PDF after it has been downloaded/sent
* The rest is really up to you. */
add_action( 'the_action_that_triggers_pdf_send_or_download', 'wpse60844_generate_pdf' );
There’s a lot of detail work involved and the odd character here or there can break the whole process. So be careful and I would honestly try to first output a single line PDF and then line by line add in the extra data, as that’ll make it easier to help figure out where an error popped up.