After Import: Insert “Use” Statement in Database

It appears, at least in cPanel, the lines in question were not required in the export, with the unsurprising consequence of the other encapsulated sql statements defaulting to reference the current database only. Turns out to be convenient when more than one database is configured, so long as there are no statements that select objects … Read more

How to generate PDF dynamically based on values from the database in WordPress

Using the FPDF library (found at you generate PDFs on the fly using any data from your WP site. function wpse60844_generate_pdf( $post ) { /* Define paths for where the PDF will be permanently or temporarily saved */ define( ‘FPDF_PATH’, plugin_dir_path( __DIR__ ) . ‘/fpdf/’ ); define( ‘SAVE_PATH’, plugin_dir_path( __DIR__ ) . ‘fpdf/pdfs/’ ); … Read more

Do Seeded Orderby Rand Queries Benefit from DB Caching?

Looking at the source of class-wp-query.php (ie, the WP_Query code), I find this: /* * Ensure the ID database query is able to be cached. * * Random queries are expected to have unpredictable results and * cannot be cached. Note the space before `RAND` in the string * search, that to ensure against a … Read more

How to reduce uncached page generation time?

there is no simple general answer for this, as it depends on what is causing the issue. Best way is to check your page using some Insights tool: They will tell you where the issue is. Big images are commonly a big issue – there are many converters to WebP format, that will … Read more

How can I update a value of a field depending on outside source?

you can read your file using standard PHP: $value = json_decode( file_get_contents( ‘path/to/your/file.json’ ) ); Then you can use WordPress function to update post meta: update_post_meta( $post_id, $meta_name, $value, $prev_value ); $post_id = ID of the post you want to update $meta_name = name of the meta field you want to update $value = new … Read more