how to get buddy press messages based on thready_id?

Dig a little deeper into the BP Messages file and you will see that bp_message_thread_content() only outputs the last message in the thread.
Similarly with bp_message_thread_subject(). bp_message_thread() sets up the last message data but no other message data.

Instead it looks like you want a new class of BP_Messages_Thread_Template to output the messages for the thread. eg.

 while ( bp_message_threads() ) {
      $thread_id = bp_get_message_thread_id();
      $order="DESC"; // or 'ASC'
      new BP_Messages_Thread_Template( $thread_id, $order );

      // so that instead of `bp_message_thread_content()
      while ( bp_thread_messages() ) {


There are more methods/functions for that class but that should get you in the right direction… 🙂