How to get SimplePie fetch_feed without stripping iframe code?

From the SimplePie docs here: there is a strip_htmltags property in the SimplePie object, which among others it has the iframe tag we want to keep.

So, apart from the wp_kses, probably we want to remove the tag from the above property.

For instance, the $rss = fetch_feed( '' ); gives us the SimplePie object.

If we var_dump($rss)

or even better “pretty print” it by using:

highlight_string("<?php\n\$rss =\n" . var_export($rss, true) . ";\n?>");

we will see all fetched entries and all properties of the $rss object.
Among those there is the one we are looking for, and we can isolate it by using:

highlight_string("<?php\n\$rss->strip_htmltags =\n" . var_export($rss->strip_htmltags, true) . ";\n?>");

this will give us something like the below:

    $rss->strip_htmltags =
      array (
        0 => 'base',
        1 => 'blink',
        2 => 'body',
        3 => 'doctype',
        4 => 'embed',
        5 => 'font',
        6 => 'form',
        7 => 'frame',
        8 => 'frameset',
        9 => 'html',
       10 => 'iframe',
       11 => 'input',
       12 => 'marquee',
       13 => 'meta',
       14 => 'noscript',
       15 => 'object',
       16 => 'param',
       17 => 'script',
       18 => 'style',

From the above we note that the key of the iframe entry is 10. So we use array_splice to remove the entry, like:

// Remove these tags from the list
$strip_htmltags = $rss->strip_htmltags; //get a copy of the strip entries array
array_splice($strip_htmltags, 10, 1); //remove the iframe entry
$rss->strip_htmltags = $strip_htmltags; // assign the strip entries without those we want

Now the iframe entry is out and of the $strip_htmltags property and probably we are set.

Notice: I couldn’t find a “test” rss feed containing some iframe to test the above. So if anyone can verify it, please provide some feedback.

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