How to link 2 categories (Sync)

Place this in your theme functions:

function mysite_clone_post($post_id, $post, $update) {
  if(!$update && in_category('home cat', $post)) {  //not handled updates and will only run if in this category
      $post_fields = array(  'post_author', 'post_date', 'post_date_gmt', 'post_content',
                             'post_content_filtered', 'post_title', 'post_excerpt', 'post_status', 'post_type',
                             'comment_status', 'ping_status', 'post_password', 'post_name', 'to_ping',
                             'pinged', 'post_modified', 'post_modified_gmt', 'post_parent', 'menu_order',
                             'post_mime_type', 'guid', 'tax_input', 'meta_input');
      $postarr = array();
      foreach($post as $k => $v) if(in_array($k, $post_fields)) $postarr[$k] = $v;            

      $postarr['ID']            = 0;
      $postarr['post_category'] = array('casa cat');
      //not handled post_parent          

      wp_insert_post($postarr);  //not handled errors - returns false on error   
add_action('save_post', 'mysite_clone_post', 10, 3);

As mentioned in the comments in the code, I have only handled new posts without post parents, and left out error handling.

I am also assuming there are only two categories and simply assigning the opposite one.


For custom post types and taxonomies use the following:

function mysite_clone_post($post_id, $post, $update) {
  if(!$update && $post->post_type == 'myposttype' && has_term('home cat name, id or slug', 'mytaxonomy', $post)) {  //not handled updates and will only run if it is this custom post type and in this custom category
      $post_fields = array(  'post_author', 'post_date', 'post_date_gmt', 'post_content',
                             'post_content_filtered', 'post_title', 'post_excerpt', 'post_status', 'post_type',
                             'comment_status', 'ping_status', 'post_password', 'post_name', 'to_ping',
                             'pinged', 'post_modified', 'post_modified_gmt', 'post_parent', 'menu_order',
                             'post_mime_type', 'guid', 'tax_input', 'meta_input');
      $postarr = array();
      foreach($post as $k => $v) if(in_array($k, $post_fields)) $postarr[$k] = $v;            

      $postarr['ID']            = 0;          
      //not handled post_parent          

      if($newid = wp_insert_post($postarr)) {    //if saved successfully, add taxonomy, note that the value is assigned to $newid and not compared
          wp_set_object_terms($newid, 'desired cat id or slug', 'mytaxonomy');
      } else {
          //handle errors here
add_action('save_post', 'mysite_clone_post', 10, 3);

In addition, to handle multiple category pairs, you could use an array but then you’d have to update it everytime you add a new category. I’d suggest naming (and using) the slugs in such a way that one can be easily derived from the other. So e.g. ‘main_cat’ and ‘main_cat_ar’.

Then the first line would become:

if(!$update && $post->post_type == 'myposttype') {  //not handled updates and will only run if it is this custom post type
    $terms = get_the_terms($post, 'mytaxonomy');
    if(!is_array($terms) || count(explode('_ar', $terms[0]->slug)) > 1) return;    // if no terms were returned or it belongs to an arabic category, exit

and the line assigning the term to the new post becomes

wp_set_object_terms($newid, $terms[0]->slug.'_ar', 'mytaxonomy');