how to load random related posts with specific custom fields?

I’ve taken your code and refactored it. Your nested-for-loops arent the ideal way to go about this.

Also, I’ve used your code and the meta key names exactly as you supplied them, so please double-check they’re correct. Some of them are prefixed with the_ and then sometimes not. It’s strange, but that’s what you supplied.

Try the code below to see if you get just 1 of each.

$page_id = get_the_ID();
$related_args = [
    'the_color'      => get_field( 'color', $page_id ),
    'the_background' => get_field( 'background', $page_id ),
    'the_lastname'   => get_field( 'lastname', $page_id )


foreach ( $related_args as $meta_key => $meta_value ) {

    $content .= $meta_value;  //to know the post after it are from that custom post

    $posts = get_posts( [
        'post_type'   => 'myposttype',
        'orderby'     => 'rand',
        'meta_key'    => $meta_key,
        'meta_value'  => $meta_value,
        'numberposts' => 1,
    ] );

    if ( !empty( $posts ) ) {
        $postID = current( $posts )->ID;
        $content .= sprintf( '<ul><li><a href="%s"><div class="post-image">%s</div><div class="post-title">%s</div></a></li></ul>',
            get_permalink( $postID ),
            get_the_post_thumbnail( $postID ),
            get_the_title( $postID )
    else {
        $content .= 'no posts found';

echo $content;