How to output cmb2 wysiwyg by using timber

So, I figured it out through this post..Applying oembed filters to WYSIWYG field

My solution by using timber/twig is to get the data in the single.php, and here is the code:

$post_meta = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(),'my_wysiswg', true);
$post_meta = $wp_embed->autoembed( $post_meta );
$post_meta = $wp_embed->run_shortcode( $post_meta );
$post_meta = do_shortcode( $post_meta );
$post_meta = wpautop( $post_meta );
$post->my_wysiswyg = $post_meta;

Then I can print the video in the single-custom-post-type.twig by using {{post.my_wysiswyg}}