How to enable on custom shortcodes

You are using esc_attr in your table_data function. This will encode the html in your variable in such a way that it is no longer recognized as html. So the browser will display “<br>” rather than insert a line break.

How to output cmb2 wysiwyg by using timber

So, I figured it out through this post..Applying oembed filters to WYSIWYG field My solution by using timber/twig is to get the data in the single.php, and here is the code: $post_meta = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(),’my_wysiswg’, true); $post_meta = $wp_embed->autoembed( $post_meta ); $post_meta = $wp_embed->run_shortcode( $post_meta ); $post_meta = do_shortcode( $post_meta ); $post_meta = wpautop( $post_meta ); … Read more

Disable media upload in rich text editor

You simply set the parameter to false when you create the editor, which you do with a call to the_editor as follows: <?php the_editor($customcontent, $id = ‘CustomContent’, $prev_id = ‘title’, $media_buttons = false, $tab_index = 2); ?> The first parameter is the content that should be used to fill the editor when the page loads, … Read more