How to override include_once pointed file using add_filter?

You can’t just filter __FILE__. Or any arbitrary function or variable. You can only filter values that are passed to apply_filters(). In this case the wcpv_vendor_order_page_template filterable value is:

dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/views/html-vendor-order-page.php'

In other words, it’s a path to a PHP file. If you want to change the PHP file that’s loaded, you can filter wcpv_vendor_order_page_template to pass the path to a file in your theme.

So if you create a version of this file in wp-content/{yourtheme}/wcpv//views/html-vendor-order-page.php, you can make the plugin load that version like this:

    function( $path ) {
        return get_theme_file_path( 'wcpv//views/html-vendor-order-page.php' );