How to overwrite ‘read more” text for artmag theme

To change the text of the “Read More” link, you simply need to hook into the_content_more_link at a higher priority.

You can add this to your child theme functions.php file and it should replace the “Read More” text with “Your Preferred Link Text”.

add_filter( 'the_content_more_link', 'wpse_260911_more_link', 11, 2 );
function wpse_260911_more_link( $more_link, $not_used ) {
  return str_ireplace( 'Read More', 'Your Preferred Link Text', $more_link );

If you aren’t using a child theme ( you really should be ), then you can create a simple plugin that does the same thing. Take the code above, add the following above it, create a ZIP file that contains only this file, upload it, and activate from the dashboard.

 * Plugin Name: Filter Artmag Read More link