How To Pass Array To get_the_category_by_ID() and Get An Array Back?

Modify your first code chunk thusly:

$names = array();
$CatID = array( 1, 5, 3,);
foreach ( $CatID as $ID ) { 
    $names[] = get_the_category_by_ID( $ID );
    // uncomment the next line to get the name tied to the ID
    // $names[$ID] = get_the_category_by_ID( $ID );
var_dump( $names );

See PHP’s array() reference for more info on using arrays.

Why your code isn’t working

In your first example, you’re looping through your $CatID array, assigning the return from get_the_category_by_ID() to $names. Each time through the loop, you’re overwriting the $names variable, which is why only 3 — the last one in your list — is sticking.

In your second example, you’re swinging too far the other way — you’re trying to get the value of $ID[$x], but $ID isn’t an array, so you’re handing an invalid value (probably null) to get_the_category_by_ID(). That’s why it’s returning a passel of WP_Error objects.