images not loading on wordpress website hosted on aws ec2
images not loading on wordpress website hosted on aws ec2
images not loading on wordpress website hosted on aws ec2
The cURL error 28 you are encountering indicates that the cURL request used by wp_remote_get and wp_remote_post is timing out. In your case, it’s timing out after 10 seconds (10001 milliseconds) without receiving any response from the server. Here are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot and potentially resolve this issue: 1. Increase … Read more
Error message not appearing in error email or in the error log
WordPress tells PHP, using ini_set(), in wp_debug_mode() which errors should be handled and which file they should be written to. The function is called in wp-settings.php when WP is starting up. As suggested by David in How to catch all PHP errors with custom error handler? answers you could use PHP’s set_error_handler() to define a … Read more
I have front error for open website [closed]
/wp-admin/ – this link showing me “Index of /wp-admin”/ instead of dashboard
The error line comes from the following in wp-admin/includes/plugin.php: function remove_menu_page( $menu_slug ) { global $menu; foreach ( $menu as $i => $item ) { if ( $menu_slug === $item[2] ) { unset( $menu[ $i ] ); return $item; } } return false; } The global $menu does not actually get populated until the wp-admin/menu-header.php … Read more
So you’re trying to call the hide_empty_fields() and maybe_add_disclaimer_and_courtesy() methods in the Register_Impress_Shortcodes class, from within a global function, and it’s not impossible to call class methods from within such global functions, but you cannot use $this in your function because $this is only available from within a class method which is called from within … Read more
wp_get_post_terms() returns a WP_Error on failure. (Are you sure it’s $colection and not $collection in that function call?) You can check the return value using is_wp_error() and decide what you’re going to output if it is, in fact, a WP_Error. For example: $term = wp_get_post_terms( $colection->posts[0]->ID ,’look’ ); if ( is_wp_error( $term ) ) { … Read more
You can add a wp_die_handler filter in your theme’s function.php. You call and execute PHP die() inside the filter, which should end the whole execution. You are then left with a plain error printed on your web page. add_filter( ‘wp_die_handler’, function( $message, $title=””, $args = array() ) { die(); }, 99 );