How to query 2 custom post types that need to share a slug?

Note that a filter callback must always return something which is commonly the first parameter passed to the callback. So for example your overwriteQueryVars() function, it must always return the $query because request is a filter hook.

Secondly, instead of overwriting the entire query arguments (e.g. by doing $query = array( ... ) or $query->query_vars = $new_query;), you should only change the ones need to be changed in the existing query arguments, e.g. $query['post_type'] = $postType;.

But anyway, try this which worked well for me:

add_filter( 'request', 'overwriteQueryVars' );
function overwriteQueryVars( $query_vars ) { // I renamed $query to $query_vars.
    global $wp;

     * 1. Check if the current page URL path begins with library/authors/ as in
     * 2. Then check if the post_type is exactly "authors".
     * 3. Finally, check if the "authors" is in the form of <slug>/<slug>.
    if ( preg_match( '#^library/authors/#', $wp->request )        &&
        isset( $query_vars['post_type'], $query_vars['authors'] ) &&
        'authors' === $query_vars['post_type']                    &&
        preg_match( '#^([^/]+)/([^/]+)$#', $query_vars['authors'] )
    ) {
        $works_slug = explode( "", $query_vars['authors'] )[1];

        // Find "works" post with the above slug.
        $ids = get_posts( array(
            'post_type' => 'works',
            'name'      => $works_slug,
            'fields'    => 'ids',
        ) );

        // If the post exists, then load it.
        if ( ! empty( $ids ) ) {
            $query_vars['post_type'] = 'works';
            $query_vars['name'] = $query_vars['works'] = get_page_uri( $ids[0] );

            unset( $query_vars['authors'] );

    return $query_vars; // ALWAYS RETURN IT

Additionally, in the post_type_link filter callback, I would:

  1. Change the 'library/authors/' . $author . "" . $post->post_name to 'library/authors/' . $author . "" . ( $leavename ? '%postname%' : $post->post_name ) to ensure the post permalink (the slug part) is editable via the post editing screen (in wp-admin).

  2. Change the $author = basename(get_permalink($author_id)); to $author = $author_id ? get_post_field( 'post_name', $author_id ) : '';.


Sorry, I forgot about preview URLs (e.g. for posts with the status draft or pending) where the URL is not “pretty” and looks like

So to ensure the URL returned is correct, in your my_website_filter_post_type_link() function, add this at the very top:

if ( $sample || wp_force_plain_post_permalink( $post ) ) {
    return $post_link;

I.e. Add it above the line having the switch( $post->post_type ).

Also (to other readers), if your works post type is not hierarchical, replace the get_page_uri( $ids[0] ) with $works_slug.