How to rate a post from Admin Side / Manually?

Here’s something I’d use if I want to do that without using plugins

Create a custom field as rating and provide the value while doing post. Suppose I gave a rating of 6, Now wordpress save it into the database as.

  • meta_key => rating
  • meta_value => 6

Now to show the rating on post I’ll use this code into single.php or index.php but make sure to put it within WordPress loop

    //grab the rating value
    $rating = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'rating', true);

    //prints star image
    for ($i=1; $i<=$rating; $i++){
        echo '<img src=""/>';

    //prints unstar image
    for ($i=$rating; $i<10; $i++){
        echo '<img src="LINK-TO-UNSTAR-ICON"/>';

The above code will result like this – enter image description here