Given a JSON file, arguments.json
{"dagger": true, "version": false, "nether_strike": true, "greater_bash": "5", "FILE": "ancientscroll.txt", "empower_haste": "1", "help": false}
When calling reading the variables as such:
#!/bin/bash dagger=$(cat arguments.json | jq '.["dagger"]') greater_bash =$(cat arguments.json | jq '.["greater_bash"]') echo $dagger echo $greater_bash
true "5"
The variable contains the quotation marks ""
How to remove the quotes when reading a variable in jq?
I could use sed
to strip the quotes as such:
greater_bash =$(cat arguments.json | jq '.["greater_bash"]' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//') echo $greater_bash
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