How to get attributes from a post requested via the JSON API?

Keep in mind that WordPress uses Backbonejs as its data model representation in their Javascript API Client. Since post.fetch() is an async function and returns a promise then you’d have to do your logic/logging after the fetch is complete. So you write: post.fetch().then( function( p ) { console.log( p ); } ); LINKS: fetch

Appointment booking system in WordPress

The solution here ultimately depends on how this business functions and how these available appointment slots are structured. Not just in a ‘best case’ scenario, but also providing users with the ability to customize the output/availability of appointments. So, to start you have an ‘appointment’ custom post-type, this you’ve already built. This appointment CPT entries … Read more

Server 500 error when updating post using block editor

Based on the error logs and the behavior you’ve described, the issue with the WordPress post not updating properly and causing a 500 internal server error seems to be related to a function in your theme or a plugin that is interacting with the content, particularly images. Here’s a breakdown of what the logs suggest … Read more