how to get json file in wordpress template in wordpress
file_get_contents() is usually blocked to fetching content from URLs for safety reasons. You should provide a local server path. In alternative use wp_remote_get()
file_get_contents() is usually blocked to fetching content from URLs for safety reasons. You should provide a local server path. In alternative use wp_remote_get()
It never hurts to copy the entire error report (unless very long), remove info unique to your site or installation, and Google it. Using the main parts of your question, ‘woocommerce checkout unexpected token is not valid json’, I got a number of similar reports, though no single fix. One thing that solved the issue … Read more
One of two things is happening here: Invalid JSON If the value of $extra isn’t a properly-constructed JSON string, then json_decode( $extra ) is returning null. echo null; won’t print anything to the screen. Valid JSON If $extra is a valid JSON string, When you json_decode() it, you’ll get an object (specifically, a stdClass object). … Read more
Persistent ‘Updating failed, invalid JSON response.’ Error in WordPress Editor
count and echo json format wordpress database
I managed to fix it, there was a wp_query included in the search-route.php file. Adding ‘posts_per_page’ => 30, to the query there I guess sent the data through, allowing for the per_page condition to work. Thanks for looking anyhow!
Do I still need to json_decode() on the return value of wp_remote_retrieve_body(wp_remote_get())?
Does wp i18n CLI has a prototype of “update-json” file?
Woocommerce – how can i add items to cart using onclick – multiple items at once with custom prices
Custom fields with value not pushing with wp_remote_post to wp site