How to retrieve the values of a sub-field in the first and last row of an (ACF) repeater inside function?

I don’t think you need to use save_post to save backend, as acf/save_post also saves when updating the post in the backend. I think (95% sure).

Read the comments below in the code and see if this will help you create the custom post title you are after. Taking into account cars which only have 1 model, multiple models and no models. It’s a start anyway.

// run modifications when creating/updating the car post type
add_action('acf/save_post', 'acf_save_car', 20);

 * action to run modifications when creating/updating the car post type
 * @param int $post_id
 * @return void
function acf_save_car($post_id) {

    // get our current global post object data
    global $post;

    // check we are on post type cars else return early
    if($post->post_type <> 'cars') return;

    // if car post status is publish or draft
    if($post->post_status == 'publish' || $post->post_status == 'draft') {

        // create car object from current post object
        $car = $post;

        // get your car name custom field (acf way) and add to title array
        $car_name = get_field('car_name', $post_id);

        // get your model acf repeater field (not sure of field name for repeater)
        $model_data = get_field('car_repeater', $post_id);

        // set model span var as false incase no models exist
        $model_span = false
        // if model items exist in repeater
        if($model_data) {

            // create empty models array
            $models = [];
            // if only one model exists in repeater
            if(count($model_data) === 1) {
                // get the car model name and add it to our array
                $models[] = $model_data[0]['car_model']

            } else {

                // get the first and last model data
                $model_first = current($model_data);
                $model_last = end($model_data);

                // add this data to our model array
                $models[] = $model_first['car_model'];
                $models[] = $model_last['car_model'];

            // create our model title segment with squiggly separator  
            $model_span = implode(' ~ ', $models);


        // empty car post title array
        $car_post_title = []
        // add car title segments to car post title array if they exist
        $car_name ? $car_post_title[] = $car_name : false;
        $model_span ? $car_post_title[] = $model_span : false;

        // temp remove the save car action
        remove_action('acf/save_post', 'acf_save_car', 20);

        // update our car object with new data
        $car->post_title = implode(' - ', $car_post_title);
        $car->post_name = sanitize_title($car->post_title);
        // update the current post with updated car object

        // re add the save car action
        add_action('acf/save_post', 'acf_save_car', 20);
