How to set a home page on a WordPress site?

I suspect that you have a page/post that is titled ‘things-to-do-in-sebring-florida’ (without the dashes – space characters are automatically converted to dash/hyphen for the URL when WP saves the page/post).

At some point, you created a new page/post (or copied) with the same title. Since the title is the same, you can’t have two URLs with the same name, so WP appends a ‘-2’ for the copy.

Then, you assigned that ‘-2’ page as the published page.

To fix, find the original (non dash-2) page/post, if it still exists. If you don’t need it, delete it. If you do need it, edit the URL/link on the edit screen to something else.

Then bring up the current/live ‘-2’ page, and change it’s URL to remove the ‘-2’.