How to show custom meta_key in each li of menu

You can add_filter() the wp_nav_menu_items() hook. It gives access to the html output of the list items with $items.

Immediately after this hook is wp_nav_menu_{$menu->slug}_items() hook that gives you access to the same but for a specific menu.

Info on add-filter() if you need it.

The two wp_nav_menu_items related hooks in context:

They are at lines 220 and 231 of wp-includes/nav-menu-template.php
From trac:

211          * Filters the HTML list content for navigation menus.
212          *
213          * @since 3.0.0
214          *
215          * @see wp_nav_menu()
216          *
217          * @param string   $items The HTML list content for the menu items.
218          * @param stdClass $args  An object containing wp_nav_menu() arguments.
219          */
220         $items = apply_filters( 'wp_nav_menu_items', $items, $args );
221         /**
222          * Filters the HTML list content for a specific navigation menu.
223          *
224          * @since 3.0.0
225          *
226          * @see wp_nav_menu()
227          *
228          * @param string   $items The HTML list content for the menu items.
229          * @param stdClass $args  An object containing wp_nav_menu() arguments.
230          */
231         $items = apply_filters( "wp_nav_menu_{$menu->slug}_items", $items, $args );