Firstly i would say this is off-topic here as it purely relates to css/js, but let me try to give some pointers.
Here you markup is :
<p><img class="align-center" src=""></p>
<p><img class="align-center" src="path/to/img2"></p>
first-of-type means selecting the first child of the selector parent.
In the above markup , the targeted selector is image with class align-center and the selector parent is p. So selecting the first child of the selector parent matches both images. That’s why both images are being styled.
first-child means select an element if it is an image with class align-center and and is the first child of a parent selector. So it matches both images.
I would recommend using JavaScript selectors here.
document.querySelector(".single-post .entry-content img.aligncenter")
returns first element in the result.
If you are using jQuery use :first