How to toggle between two custom fields in WordPress woocommerce ‘WC Product Field Group’ plugin?

I’ve found a way to do that. Its all in WC Fields Factory plugin. Not a single line of PHP coding is required.
I’ll put full guideline to follow.

  1. Install the plugin
    WC Fields Factory plugin

  2. Activate the plugin

  3. Go to Fields Factory tab in left sidebar of WordPress dashboard.
    Fields Factory dashboard

  4. Add new WC field group
    enter image description here

  5. Add all the input element types you need (Labels, Selects, texts, etc)

  6. Add the Conditions rule set to show the input fields
    Condition Rules

  7. Save changes and update
  8. then go to the top element you added.
  9. Select the field rules tab
    field rules tab
  10. Give the show hide rules according to the selection
    Rules for custom measurements
    Rules for standard measurements

  11. And you are good to go. Hope this helps anyone who struggled like me.