How to use

Actually, the LinkControl index is already there in your code.. it’s in the ( item, index ) ) — yes, that index. So just use it in your onChange callback.

And presuming that your edit function starts like ( { attributes, setAttributes } ) => { ..., i.e. the setAttributes is defined, you can try the following in place of what you currently have: ( item, index ) => (
        value={ { ...item } }
        onChange={ ( value ) => {
            // do not change the existing 'items' array; clone it instead
            const newItems = [ ...items ];

            // then update the one being edited
            // the 'index' below is the one passed to .map() above
            newItems[ index ] = { ...newItems[ index ], ...value };

            // then update the block attributes
            setAttributes( { items: newItems } );

            console.log( value, newItems, items ); // for testing/debugging
        } }
) )