I’ve found an answer, although messy.
// Plugin information goes here
$GLOBALS['example_class'] = new example_class;
class example_class {
var $public_loaded = false,
public function admin_init() {
// ...
} // End of admin_init function
public function get_random( ) {
// ...
} // End of example class
add_action('init', function() {
global $example_class;
// ***** Area A
// Check for arbitrary variable sent with every user interaction
if ( if ( isset( sanitize_key( $_REQUEST['tni'] ) ) ) {
// ***** Area B
/* Set the class variable `public_loaded` to true after it's
* clear we're loading a public page which uses our plugin */
$example_class->public_loaded = true;
// Sanitize and set the action role
$action = ( isset( $_REQUEST['action'] ) ) ? sanitize_key( $_REQUEST['action'] ) : NULL;
// Manage submitted data
switch ( $action ) {
// ...
} // End of switch for action
// Sanitize and set the view role
$view = ( isset( $_REQUEST['view'] ) ) ? sanitize_key( $_REQUEST['ex'] ) : 'get_all';
// Manage submitted data
switch ( $view ) {
// ... Generate content and store in $this->content
} // End of switch for view
} // End of if page is being shown
add_action( 'admin_menu', function() {
global $example_class;
add_shortcode( 'show_public_random', function () {
global $example_class;
// ***** Area C
/* Check to see if page has loaded using the telltale sign
* If not, load a default view - a random post */
if ( $example_class->public_loaded === false ) {
$example_class->content = $example_class->get_random();
// ...
// Return the generated content
return $example_class->content;
In Area A I’ve set a qualifying statement to see if a user submitted a variable along with their interaction with my plugin. If the plugin is mine, the code is evaluated, and action
and view
modes are evaluated. As well, the function will set the class variable public_loaded
to true.
In Area C I’ve set a qualifying statement to see if the class variable has been set to true; if not, a default view is set for the shortcode.