Image Attachment Url Rewrite

Ok so I found the answer. I used the code as per and changed all references of 'series' to 'gallery'.

That added the required rewritre rule to parse a link like to index.php?attachment_id=123.

My assumption was that wordpress would display the default permalink that is generated by get_permalink() in the format. It does not. However, I used a simple workaround in my gallery script to generate the anchor links in the required format, which is different for the home page, sub pages and parent/other pages. The script uses isotope and lazy load to load the galleries

For the different format of the pages, i modified the my_rewrite_rules_array( $rules ) function as follows:

function my_rewrite_rules_array( $rules ) {
    $my_rules = array();
    $my_rules['gallery/(\d+)/?$'] = 'index.php?attachment_id=$matches[1]';
    $my_rules['(\w+)/gallery/(\d+)/?$'] = 'index.php?attachment_id=$matches[2]';
    $my_rules['(\w+)/(\w+)/gallery/(\d+)/?$'] = 'index.php?attachment_id=$matches[3]';
    return $my_rules + $rules;