Images inside post title

A search and replace solution does sound viable. I wouldn’t do it via JavaScript, though.

add_filter('the_title', 'wpse60174_logo_in_title', 10, 2);

function wpse60174_logo_in_title($title, $post_id)
    // Add a <span> around the company name
    return preg_replace('~\bCompany\s+Name\b~i', '<span class="company">$0</span>', $title);

With the extra span in place it is just a matter of applying some custom styles to it. You can provide different styles depending on where the title is shown. You may even decide to not replace the company name with a logo image in some place. It’s a flexible setup with clean HTML.

/* A demo CSS rule */
h1 > .company { display:inline-block; background:url(logo.png); width:100px; height:20px; }