In a Gallery with limited image posts, how do I not limit images on single post?

Well, I found not an answer, but a workaround for this question. In the_mx_limited_gallery function, I added a negated is_single check around most of the contents of the function, so basically the limited posts and custom code show only if you are on a page other than a single post.

This isn’t how I originally intended, but it works for the time being. Below is the adjusted code:

function the_mx_limited_gallery( $attr ) {
    $post = get_post();
    $attachment_ids = the_mx_get_limited_gallery_ids();
    $link_image_to = the_mx_medialink_switcher(); // Customizer controls
    $mx_colcount = the_mx_gal_colcount_switcher(); // Customizer controls
    if( get_post_format() == 'gallery' ) { // opens gallery post format check

        if( !is_single() ) { // opens non single page if statement
        // setup shortcode attributes
        $atts = shortcode_atts( array(

        } // closes non single page if statement

    } // closes gallery post format
add_filter( 'post_gallery', 'the_mx_limited_gallery', 10, 1 );

I forgot the add_filter part in the original question.

If anyone still can find a solution that only adjusts the shortcode attributes, I am still open for suggestions or answers. For now, I will mark this as answered.