Include CPT values in another CPT?

Three suggestions:

1. Create Your Own Metabox

This is your original idea: when creating/editing the Store post type, the metabox will display a dropdown with all the available Managers of this post type.

For that, use Bainternet’s answer to this Question as a starting point, and change the get_categories for a get_posts of your CPT.
This will be stored as post meta and retrieved normally with a get_post_meta.

2. Use Post 2 Posts Plugin
I never really used this one, but I know it’s done for this kind of scenario and its author is a WordPress heavy weight…

In both plugin cases, read the documentation for the retrieval method.

3. Use Advanced Custom Fields Plugin
Another actively maintained plugin with plenty of custom fields goodies.

The field types Relationship or Post Object can be used for this purpose.

Bellow the screenshots of a test configuration using the post types Movies and Actors with a Relationship field (more complex than Post Object, which would produce a simple dropdown).

Field Configuration
click to enlarge
field configuration

Field Result
click to enlarge
field result