Everytime you upload a new image, the afip_new_post_content
filter is called which can be used to change the post content before creation – http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/automatic-featured-image-posts/
Assuming you have a list of URLs stored somewhere – like in the database – you need a function that would get a url from this list, then delete the url you used from that list so it doesn’t get used again.
function get_one_url(){
* your urls would be stored somewhere I suppose. Everytime you get a url,
* the number of URLs would decrease by one.
//this is just a sample. you could probably build this using a database call.
$list_of_urls = array(
//get the first url off the list and save it to the variable $url
$url = array_shift( $list_of_urls );
//save new list to database. This is just a sample.
save_my_list( $list_of_urls );
return $url;
add_filter( 'afip_new_post_content', 'diww_default_post_content' );
function diww_default_post_content() {
$url = get_one_url();
$content = "<iframe src={$url}></iframe>";
return $content;