WordPress: Add custom add_filter for custom functions

You can use the apply_filters function:

function koku_crm_send_sendgrid($sendgrid_api_key, $to, $subject, $text, $html) {
  $to = apply_filters( 'koku_crm_send_to', $to );

  $sendgrid = new \SendGrid($sendgrid_api_key);
  $mail = new KCSendGrid\Mail();
  $from = new KCSendGrid\Email(get_bloginfo( 'name' ), get_bloginfo( 'admin_email' ));
  $mail->setSubject(html_entity_decode($subject, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'));

  $content = new KCSendGrid\Content("text/plain", $text);

  $content = new KCSendGrid\Content("text/html", $html);

  $personalization = new KCSendGrid\Personalization();
  $to = new KCSendGrid\Email(null, $to);



The first argument of apply_filters() is the name of the filter. It’s what you’ll use when calling add_filter(). The second argument is the value to be filtered.

Now you can filter $to like so:

function wpse_276933_send_to( $to ) {
  $to = '[email protected]';

  return $to;
add_filter( 'koku_crm_send_to', 'wpse_276933_send_to' );

You can pass more values into the filter callback function by adding arguments to apply_filters(). These won’t do anything on their own, but it means that they will be available when adding the filter. So if your filter was:

$to = apply_filters( 'koku_crm_send_to', $to, $subject, $text );

You could access $subject and $text in your filter function by including the arguments in the callback function and setting the fourth argument of add_filter() to 3, so that the function knows to accept 3 arguments:

function wpse_276933_send_to( $to, $subject, $text ) {
  if ( $subject === 'Subject One' ) {
    $to = '[email protected]';

  return $to;
add_filter( 'koku_crm_send_to', 'wpse_276933_send_to', 10, 3 );

Read more in the Plugin Handbook: https://developer.wordpress.org/plugins/hooks/custom-hooks/