Integrating jQuery Datatables with Editor into wordpress admin

Both DataTables Editor and WordPress are trying to use the same reserved parameter, ‘action’.

WordPress is using $_REQUEST[‘action’] to route the request in admin-ajax.php line 86.

DataTables Editor is using $_POST[‘action’] to tell the server-side processing script what action to apply ( insert / delete / update – see: )

This would work fine if $_REQUEST[‘action’] was set to ‘datatables’. However, WordPress forces $_REQUEST to be GET + POST on line 598 of wp-includes/load.php

function wp_magic_quotes() {
  // If already slashed, strip.
  if ( get_magic_quotes_gpc() ) {
    $_GET    = stripslashes_deep( $_GET    );
    $_POST   = stripslashes_deep( $_POST   );
    $_COOKIE = stripslashes_deep( $_COOKIE );

  // Escape with wpdb.
  $_GET    = add_magic_quotes( $_GET    );
  $_POST   = add_magic_quotes( $_POST   );
  $_COOKIE = add_magic_quotes( $_COOKIE );
  $_SERVER = add_magic_quotes( $_SERVER );

  // Force REQUEST to be GET + POST.
  $_REQUEST = array_merge( $_GET, $_POST );

Thus, your ajax callback function is never being called.

What you need to do is add the following:

add_action('admin_init', 'fix_request_action');

function fix_request_action() {
  global $pagenow;
  if($pagenow == 'admin-ajax.php' && isset($_GET['action']) && isset($_POST['action'])) {
    $_REQUEST['action'] = $_GET['action'];

This will detect the situation where both $_GET[‘action’] and $_POST[‘action’] are set when the current page is admin-ajax.php. It will force $_REQUEST[‘action’] to be the correct action (in your case, ‘datatables’ – the $_GET action) so that your callback will be called correctly.

I hope this helps.