How to add new ACF repeater row after removing all rows using jQuery/Javascript
How to add new ACF repeater row after removing all rows using jQuery/Javascript
How to add new ACF repeater row after removing all rows using jQuery/Javascript
Custom plugin translation not working
You should be able to pass the language across using wp_localize_script(). So you’re obviously enqueuing your own custom javascript file, lets say that file is called createlist.js. I assume you’re doing it like so: wp_enqueue_script( ‘createlist’, plugins_url( ‘createlist.js’, __DIR__ ), array( ‘jquery’ ), ‘1.0’, true ); (You’ll need to adjust the path for the JS … Read more
Why jquery arrray return 0 value
I figured it out. I was creating the form when a button was clicked. I had to put the replyform submit within that function. Working now.
So, I figured out why this only worked once, and not every time afterward. I have the ID and URL wrapped in a <span> with an ID and class tied to it. However when the if(response.success === true) { fired, and updated the ID and URL of the image, it overwrote the entire <span> with … Read more
slider i want move 4 images every button click
.modal(), .tab, .tooltip is not a function jQuery
Better way is to listen to Gutenberg events. Template change can be observed with something like this: => { console.log( ‘core/editor’ ).getEditedPostAttribute(‘template’)); }); It will fire on many events, not only for template change. But you can add some checks and do your actions only when it’s needed. Example: const editor = … Read more
You can easily add any HTML element to all menu items that have children by extending the Walker_Nav_Menu core class. The code below will add <i> icon element just after menu item </a> tag but you can of course change that if you need them inside or somewhere else by changing the $item_output variable. function … Read more