Is it possible to have dynamic post id # in add_menu_page()?

There is a function called get_page_by_title that accepts a post title and returns the ID of that post. You might even use it in conjunction with get_edit_post_link by passing the ID and retrieve the edit link.

However, how can you be sure the post’s title will never change? You could go a little further and add a settings page where you would map a particular post / page to an entity such as HOME_ID, ABOUT_ID etc. Then, instead of using the get_page_by_title you would just have this settings array and you could build those add_menu_page calls like this:

if ( ! $user->has_cap( 'manage_options' ) ) {
    $options = get_option( 'wt_menu_post_ids', array() );

    add_menu_page( 'Home', 'Home', 'edit_posts', get_edit_post_link( $options['HOME_ID'] ), '', 'dashicons-admin-home', 1);
    // [...]