Is there a straight-forward way to provide a meta description tag via Yoast SEO, programmatically, without relying on the admin panel?

Way overthinking it:


add_filter('wpseo_opengraph_desc', function () use (&$data) {
    $seo_intro = trim($data->seo_intro);

    if ($seo_intro === '') {
        $seo_intro = "{$data->name} - {$data->title}";

    return esc_attr(wp_strip_all_tags(stripslashes(do_shortcode($seo_intro))));


Essentially, hijack the content with a filter (since that’s what Yoast is using to derive the description) and make sure it’s the last filter to be ran to return back my predetermined content.


Instead of adding a filter on the_content, use Yoast’s custom filter wpseo_opengraph_desc.