Jetpack Infinite Scroll won’t fire [closed]

I’m assuming you want it to do what happens on Jetpacks’ example without a button, just scroll down and more posts appear until there’s no more?

Not sure if this will help, but your code has the wrapper parameter set to false while Jetpack’s example where they have the footer parameter section has it set to true:

add_theme_support( 'infinite-scroll', array(
    'type'           => 'scroll',
    'footer_widgets' => false,
    'container'      => 'content',
    'wrapper'        => true, //This is true whereas your example is false
    'render'         => false,
    'posts_per_page' => false,
) );

You can also try running the add_theme_support function outside of the action hook you’re using and seeing if anything happens.

Also, I would try disabling Jetpack and in page-news.php, confirm that there is default pagination going on. If not, then troubleshoot the pagination if it’s non-existent because it’s possible that it’s messing with Jetpack. Infinite scroll needs WordPress’ default pagination to exist I believe because it breaks each section of posts by their “pages”.

I’d say if there are no console errors in your browser, or PHP errors when you set your wp-config’s debug to true – then you may have to seek more advanced help or maybe even provide a link to the site for deeper investigation. Good luck!