Load new Posts on Scroll on Page

In order for this kind of effect to work, the jquery plugin needs to ‘know’ which html tag to insert additional post into as child elements. The loading is done using Ajax calls.

If you look at the JetPak Infinite Scroll plugin doc page, it instructs you how to achieve this. In order for it to work out-of-the-box, your theme needs to be designed with support for this plugin by having the right CSS ids/html elements included in the page to work.

It shouldn’t be too difficult to get it work if you have a little knowledge of html/css.

Alternatively you can also look at trying similar plugins which might support your theme out of the box, such the Infinte-scroll plugin, (wordpress.org/plugins/ajax-load-more/, sorry this site does not allow more than 2 links …)

There is also this plugin which works with shortcodes in pages, I haven’t tried it, but if it actually embeds its own post container into the page, then it takes cares of all the css/element settings for you, however, you may need to tweak the css to make it blend in properly into your theme.