Make an array filterable per hook

If you want to make the array filterable, use apply_filters() and add_filter(). Also, you have to pass the array as an argument to apply_filters() and expect it in your callback that is changing that array.

Here is a basic example with slightly more meaningful names:

First we have a function that is running over an array of color names and values in order to print these with a styled example. It offers a hook, so other code (theme, plugins) can change the colors: apply_filters( 'arr_colors', $colors );.

function print_colors()
    $colors = [
        'red'   => '#f00',
        'green' => '#0f0',
        'blue'  => '#00f',

    $colors = apply_filters( 'arr_colors', $colors );

    foreach ( $colors as $name => $color ) {
            '%1$s: <span style="background: %2$s;>&nbsp;</span><br>',

Now we create a callback function elsewhere that can change the color. Note the check for isset ( $colors['green'] ): There may be more than one callback listening on that hook, so green could have been removed already before our callback is running. Always keep that in mind.

 * @param  array $colors
 * @return array
function change_colors( array $colors )
    // remove red
    unset( $colors['red'] );

    // soften the green
    if ( isset ( $colors['green'] ) ) {
        $colors['green'] = '#5f5';

    // add fuchsia
    $colors['fuchsia'] = '#f0f';

    return $colors;

And now we register said callback for the hook in the first function:

add_filter( 'arr_colors', 'change_colors' );

That’s all.