You have to set the value of $_POST['comment_post_ID']
to the post id of the page:
<input type="hidden" name="comment_post_ID" value="10" />
Then set the action
of the form element to /wp-comments-post.php
, filter 'comment_post_redirect'
and send the visitor back to page where the comment/review was written.
Here is an example, written as plugin:
/* Plugin Name: Comment on different page */
* Call the form in your template with:
* do_action( 'wpse_67527_comment_form' );
add_action( 'wpse_67527_comment_form', 'wpse_67527_comment_form' );
* Create a review form.
* @return void
function wpse_67527_comment_form()
$select_id = 'page_select';
$url="http" . ( is_ssl() ? 's' : '' ) . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$url = esc_url( $url );
<form action="<?php echo site_url( '/wp-comments-post.php' ); ?>" method="post">
<label for="<?php echo $select_id; ?>">
Choose a page
// Ordered by page name automatically
array (
'name' => 'comment_post_ID',
'id' => $select_id,
'child_of' => 2,
<textarea name="comment" cols="45" rows="8"></textarea>
<label for="author"><?php _e( 'Name' ); ?></label>
<input id="author" name="author" type="text" size="30" />
<label for="email"><?php _e( 'Email' ); ?></label>
<input id="email" name="email" type="text" size="30" />
wp_nonce_field( 'unfiltered-html-comment_' . get_the_ID(), '_wp_unfiltered_html_comment_disabled', FALSE );
<input type="hidden" name="redirect_to" value="<?php echo $url; ?>" />
<input type="submit" />
add_filter( 'comment_post_redirect', 'wpse_67527_redirect' );
* Strip '#comment-number' from redirect url.
* @param string $url
* @return string
function wpse_67527_redirect( $url )
$parts = explode( '#', $url );
return $parts[0];
I called the action with:
is_front_page() and do_action( 'wpse_67527_comment_form' );
… on the index.php
and got a simple comment form that sent its content to another page. 🙂