Making the Content Editor Box Bigger in 2013

I write a small plugin to give ability for user to change the edito height in a option of profile page. A sort of back in time to WP < 3.5.2


  1. Create custom field in the profile settings
  2. On admin init check if we are in the right page, if so set an hook for the filter the_editor
  3. In funcion hooken into the_editor get the user option and use a regex replace to change height, only if the id of the editor is the right one to prevent plugin interfer with other calls of wp_editor


I’ve created a better version of the original posted plugin. It’s almost the same but is coded in a class and give 2 options for editor height: one for desktops one for mobile devices.
The code can be found in this Gist.

Plugin in quickly tested on WP 3.6 and seems to work.

Below a preview of how this plugin let set the options:

enter image description here