Meta box values not displaying in Post Edit Screen after save

It seems the problem might be that you haven’t added a nonce – so when the post is being saved, you are failing the nonce check.

Try adding

 <?php wp_nonce_field('my_meta_box_nonce','meta_box_nonce'); ?>

to your metabox. Remember the nonce action (in this case my_meta_box_nonce) should be

  • unique to the action (saving a property),
  • unique to an object (e.g. the property’s ID),
  • and unique to your (your plug-in name).

Also – for these types of debugging questions use var_dump and wp_die to output variables and kill the processing (for instance, in your save_property function to see if that function is being called / where the function is aborted).

Not related to you original question, but you should use get_post_meta rather than get_post_custom.

Finally, I don’t think you want to use wp_kses for the property ID. This is an expensive function, intended to strip out some HTML tags but allow others. If the ID is just a number, use intval or sanitize_key for alpha-numerics.